Home Business “Ukroboronprom” load a lot of orders on Kharkiv enterprises

“Ukroboronprom” load a lot of orders on Kharkiv enterprises


State Concern “Ukroboronprom” signed a memorandum on expanding cooperation with the enterprises of the Kharkiv region in the framework of the implementation of state defense order and socio-economic development programs.

On February 5 the document was signed by Chairman of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration (KRSA) Igor Rainin and Director General of state concern “Ukroboronprom” Roman Romanov.

The memorandum is intended to organize the joint work of the industrial enterprises of Kharkiv region on the implementation of the state defense order. The coordinator of the process and the main communicator will be state administration. To become the supplier of “Ukroboronprom” can enterprise of any form of incorporation.

“Companies of the region and state concern deepened cooperation in the field of import phase-out of components for the domestic military industrial sector to replace the Russian ones. To fulfill the state order the parties will strengthen the co-operation of scientific-technical and production potential,” said in a memorandum.

He specified that currently state concern is ready to buy from Kharkiv enterprises thousands of product range, moreover, to provide 80 percent of advanced payment.


“We brought to Kharkiv a list of about 30 thousand items which can be utilized by the enterprises. Kharkiv is considered to be a powerful center of engineering and science so there is confidence that the cooperation will be successful,” announced Romanov.

As the chairman of the KRSA Igor Rainin considers, the memorandum will allow to keep the labor potential of the region and create new workplaces.

Recall “Ukroboronprom” has already signed memorandums with Lviv, Ternopil, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Chernihiv, Khmelnytskyi, Cherkasy, Zhytomyr, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv and Zaporizhia regions.