Home Kharkiv Kharkiv contract soldiers’ salary was doubled

Kharkiv contract soldiers’ salary was doubled

Photo from inpress.ua

The contract recruitment plan of Kharkiv region for the first quarter 2016 amounts to 945 people when the whole plan 2015 included 470 people as the regional military commissar Yuri Kalgushkin reported.

As of January 20th 2016, 30 contract soldiers has already been enrolled to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, people continue to send applications, some volunteers are passing medical examination.

Persons, aged between 18 and 60 having 9 years of basic education, have the right to serve on a contract base. Future contract soldiers choose their place of service, pass medical board and sign a contract with the unit commander.

According to Kalgushkin, the state decided to attract men to contract service by raising wages. On January 1st, it grew up by 2-2.5 times. When in December a rifleman with 1 year service received 2,464 hryvnias per month, from January 1st he will receive 7,416 hryvnias, a senior soldier (10 service years) received 4,194 hryvnias, in January he will get 8,254 hryvnias, a lieutenant (5 years of service) got about 4,000 hryvnias and now he will be paid by 10,000 hryvnias.

“It is a prime example of the fact the government paid a lot of attention to the Army,” Kalgushkin said.

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