Home Business European banks will finance the construction of new Kharkiv metro stations

European banks will finance the construction of new Kharkiv metro stations


The extending of the third line of the Kharkiv Metro – was the main issue for city governors and representatives of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Investment Bank. At the negotiation table experts discussed issues on implementation of this project which is quite realizable for Kharkiv in near future.

It’s a regular visit to Kharkiv of representatives of European banks that are ready to invest in the project of extension of the Kharkiv metro. This time, they intend to examine the environmental and social issues.

“For this project is planned and has already attracted the money from EBRD and except the financial terms, bank also has a number of requirements that relate to the environment and social issues,” said representative of the EBRD Alexander Kislitsin.


The new project of metro extension, according to the first deputy mayor Igor Terekhov, provides the extension of Oleksiivska line, namely the new site with the construction of two metro stations “Derzhavinska” and “Odeska”. According to the experts’ estimates, it will increase passenger traffic on this line by 25 million people a year and significantly unclog Gagarina Avenue due to the reduction of above-ground transport.

“We will reduce a significant portion of above-ground transport. It will have a positive effect because the emissions will be reduced. We will less pollute the environment and the atmosphere,” announced Igor Terekhov.

It’s almost resolved the issue with the local residents about the demolition of private houses located at the intersection of Derzhavinska Street and Gagarina Avenue where was assigned the area for the construction of the metro station “Derzhavinska”.

The representatives of European banks will carefully examine all the questions. During their three-day visit, they plan to talk with experts of relevant departments of the City Council, to inspect future construction site of the metro and visit the existing stations and the station “Peremoha” which is under construction.

Recall that the first group of experts has visited Kharkiv and appraise highly the preparedness of the project.