Home Culture The opening of the main New Year trees of Kharkiv took place...

The opening of the main New Year trees of Kharkiv took place this weekend


On December 26th, the New Year tree was shown in the Maxim Gorky Kharkiv Central Park of Culture and Recreation.

At seven o’clock in the evening Father Frost and Snegurochka came on to the stage, pronounced the traditional “One, two, three! Light the New Year tree!” and the New Year tree shone out with different illuminations.

fX2-WtZc2_oThe twelve meter artificial tree was the same as in previous years, but it was decorated anew: with patterned garlands, “falling ice”, “snowflakes”, strobe light and new shiny ornaments.

Also, the park opened the house of Father Frost where he met little guests and gave everyone sweet gifts.

bpuHMIgjA1cDuring the festive day guests could take part in the competitions and open training of zumba-fitness, or see the show of drummers and dance at a youth disco.

Besides the New Year Tree the New Year’s Fair was launched with refreshments, souvenirs and gifts. Also, the Nativity scene was installed on the medieval square as well as the installation “Happy Snowmen”.

8cfc5304cda43a77784896fffd791676Also, on December 26th the main New Year tree of Kharkiv shone with 60 thousand lights and other lighting devices at Freedom Square. Father Frost, Snegurochka and the first deputy mayor of Kharkiv Igor Terekhov congratulated Kharkivens with upcoming New Year.

Hundreds of Kharkivens came to look at the festive show. The guests watched the show “Winter Carnival” with the participation of artists of the theater “Madrigal”, rode ponies and horses, visited the room of horrors and 7D-cinema. The children visited the house of Farther Frost where they left letters with the most cherished wishes.


Soon on the Freedom Square will operate the largest ice rink in Ukraine.