Home Business In Kharkiv will create the laboratory of foreign agricultural machinery

In Kharkiv will create the laboratory of foreign agricultural machinery


On December 18 in Kharkiv Petro Vasilenko National Technical University of Agriculture was held a meeting with representatives of “Ukragrozapchast” the aim of which was to deepen the cooperation and implementation to the learning process complexes focused on the study of the modern agricultural machinery.

In the university will create the laboratory of foreign agricultural machinery. This was announced on the official website of university. The initiator of the creating a laboratory at the university’s department of “Tractors and cars” was LLC “Ukragrozapchast”.

caseAs noted in the university, for a new laboratory were transferred the components of chassis for caterpillar tractors and combines by the company CASE IH Agriculture. In the future the partners have offered to provide materials for the production of maquettes of repair parts samples of tractor units.

“The integration of foreign agricultural machinery into the teaching and learning process will improve the level of specialists’ training and allow students to get more likely a promising position. The modern equipment and qualified support of the teachers will allow to conduct advanced training courses for engineers of the region together with the Department of Agricultural Development of Kharkiv Regional State Administration,” noticed in the university.

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