Home Business Rating of the largest IT-companies of Ukraine and Kharkiv

Rating of the largest IT-companies of Ukraine and Kharkiv


A few days ago a large-scale study of IT-ecosystem of Ukraine was published: it considers the business environment, its activities, salary of IT company employees and there are also ratings of the number of employees of the largest IT-companies of the country. The ratings of the companies are divided into large regions where technology business is well developed – Kiev, Kharkiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Lviv and others.

5678Ranking is rather conditional in as much as the estimates of the number of staff are based on different sources: official information, as well as – expert assessments and data from the media. But still these ratings give a good introduction of ​​how looks like IT-market of Ukraine.

The ratings were prepared with the participation of renowned investor Eugene Sysoev (AVentures Group), Julia Sychikova (mittenpay.com), Adrien Henni (EWDN) and Eugenia Kuguk (East-West Digital News).

рейтинг харькова харьковHere is the data list of main IT service companies in Kharkiv and Eastern Ukraine. The figures highlighted with green colour correspond to official data, the blue colour – assessments of local experts, orange – the figures from the media, gray – general assessments.

The full version of rankings can be viewed online.