Home Culture Retro train will operate in Kharkiv

Retro train will operate in Kharkiv

Photo from relicfinder.info

On December 19th, the Day of St. Nicholas, the retro train will depart from the Southern Railway station.

According to the press service of the Kharkiv regional state administration, the children of railway workers, members of ATO, and children from socially disadvantaged and large families will be the passengers. Children will be able to take a ride on a vintage train on December 19th and 26th, as well as January 2nd and 9th.

During the 40-minute trip from the station “Kharkov-passenger” to the station “Osnova”, the young passengers will take part in competitions and festive entertainment. In addition, the children will receive Christmas gifts and visit the Southern Railway Museum of History and railway equipment.

Reference. Retro Train Southern Railway started running on May 9th, 2014. The train is a real steam locomotive built in 1954, that work on coal, and passenger car, built 75 years ago.