Home Kharkiv Pay the debts and get a prize!

Pay the debts and get a prize!

Photo from subscribe.ru

The press service of the Kharkiv City Council, announced the start of the action by “Kharkivvodokanal.” Any subscriber of the Public Enterprise “Kharkivvodokanal” can take part in it.

In order to participate, you will need to pay off existing debt for December 2015 (pay water and wastewater services for the receipts of the enterprise). As a result, on January 1, 2016 you should not have debts for the use of city water and sewer.

Organizers plan to raffle 100 gifts. Among them there are home appliances, phones, tablets, and televisions. As a special prize there is a gift certificate. Three of them are on the free use of water services throughout 2016, the fourth – for the purchase and installation of an apartment 4-tariff counter.

Prizes will be drawn on the account number of subscribers using instant lottery.

The draw will take place 16 January 2016. Presentation of prizes will take place on 29 January 2016.

For more information, please call: 707-57-57, 707-58-23.