Home Business Kharkiv will have offices in the UK, China and India

Kharkiv will have offices in the UK, China and India

Photo from kharkivoda.gov.ua

In 2016 Kharkiv region plans to open offices in the UK, China and India. This was announced during the presentation of the regional office of the Ukrainian National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce in the Kharkiv region by the Deputy Head of Kharkiv Regional State Administration Yuliya Svetlichnaya.

Svetlichnaya noted that the leaders of the region have long-term plans for the development of international relations.

“A representative office of Kharkiv region abroad includes professional lobbyists who have complete information about the potential of the Kharkiv region. They express it in the international market. We are talking about an office in Washington, which was opened a few months ago”, said Deputy Head of KRSA.

Yulia Svetlichnaya recalled that in September this year were signed three memorandums on cooperation with chambers of commerce in Canada, the USA and Australia.

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