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Kharkiv region is in the lead on level of energy efficiency industry investments


According to the level of domestic investment in energy efficiency industry, Kharkiv region ranks first in Ukraine, announced the chairman of Kharkiv Regional State Administration (KRSA) Igor Rainin during a meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Austria in Ukraine Hermine Poppeller.

The key topics of discussion at the meeting were the prospects of development of the industrial complex of the Kharkiv region, the modernization of production and introduction of energy efficient technologies.

“Since 2010, Ukraine has no program for the development of mechanical engineering, a lot of inconsistencies in organizational and structural work with the industrial complex. It is very important that all the problems associated with the development of the industrial complex have solutions in Ukraine, as well as support of these solutions from Europe,” stated Igor Rainin.

The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Austria in Ukraine noted that in Europe, Ukraine is considered as a very promising country in terms of industrial development.

“Earlier, Europe had large production in China. But now it is important to have industrial complexes in Europe. And this is a serious prospect for Ukraine – to take part in the production of industrial products,” said Hermine Poppeller.

Igor Rainin also noted that in Kharkiv region a lot of attention is paid to the modernization of production. In particular, he said that about a month ago was opened a new foundry at PJSC “Turboatom.”

“According to the domestic investment resources invested in improving energy efficiency of enterprises, Kharkiv region ranks first in Ukraine. But in this situation without the support of European and global partners it will be hard to pass into the dynamic economic development,” noticed Igor Rainin.

The Ambassador emphasized that Free Trade Agreement between Ukraine and EU is a serious chance for the modernization of Ukrainian companies and the economy as a whole, as well as the ability to output not only the European markets but also world market.

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