Home Education Founder of the Kharkiv IT-cluster became an acting rector of KNURE

Founder of the Kharkiv IT-cluster became an acting rector of KNURE

photo from Hackit Ukraine

Eduard Rubin, the founder of the outsourcing company Telesens and one of the founders of the Kharkiv IT-cluster headed the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (KNURE).

The last four years Eduard was a pro-rector of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute. There Rubin participated in the launch of a number of educational projects.

Eduard explains his transfer to the position of the acting rector of KNURE that at university the crisis came on which requires urgent solution. “Internal dissensions pull apart university. The groups fighting for the power, use students for their own purposes. KNURE will enter into a steep uncontrolled nosedive if nobody intervenes,” wrote Eduard on his page on Facebook.

Before the appointment there were the unrests in the university which were arisen during the voting for “The Senate of the university.” Some students said that the university administration intervenes in the process of a secret ballot therefore they marched under the walls of the university. It came to a point that the students have started to prepare the local “revolution” against the administration. Then Eduard decided to intervene in the situation.

Rubin succeeded to meet with the Minister of Education Sergey Kvit and convinced him in the expediency of his appointment as head of the university. Before the official announcement of his appointment, scan of the document appeared in the Internet which led to a heated discussion among the students and representatives of IT-industry.

12274439_1067642706613327_3340456441822580610_nKNURE is of particular interest for Rubin as an IT-entrepreneur. This is one of the first universities in the former Soviet Union which began to engender prototypes of startups.

The overarching aim of the new acting rector is to make Kharkiv an IT-capital of Ukraine and KNURE will contribute to it.