Home Business Air traffic with Austria may be resumed

Air traffic with Austria may be resumed

Photo from 1tvnet.ru

On November 25th, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Austria to Ukraine Hermine Poppeller visited Kharkiv. At a meeting with Mayor of Kharkiv Gennady Kernes, they discussed one of the important topics – the resumption of direct flights from Kharkiv airport to Vienna.

“I am astounded by the order in Kharkiv. You keep the city in good hands, I can see a serious work and a good basis for cooperation between us,” said the ambassador.

Kernes asked for support in negotiations with Austrian carriers. He added: “The direction of Kharkiv – Vienna opened the Europe and we are very interested in the restoration of flights.”

In addition, during the meeting, the parties also discussed the resumption of Kharkiv into the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Austria. According to Hermine Poppeller, Kharkiv businessman, co-owner of the company “Agrotrade” Vsevolod Kozhemyako may be appointed the consul.

Recall, the direct flight from Kharkiv to Warsaw will launch in spring.