Home Business The EU opens an assistance center for business in Kharkiv

The EU opens an assistance center for business in Kharkiv

Photo from joinfo.ua

November 24th, Director of the Department of Economics and International Relations of Kharkiv Regional State Administration, Victor Kovalenko met with representatives of the European Union Delegation in Ukraine. They announced the initiative to open a center of assistance for small and medium businesses in Kharkiv.

Screen Shot 2015-11-24 at 6.51.50 PMDuring the meeting, Press and Information Officer, Jurgis Vilcinskas told about the new opportunities for international cooperation. He said that a support program for small and medium enterprises starts working in Ukraine next year. According to the program, 15 centers for business will be opened across the country, one of them – in Kharkiv. In these centers, businessmen will be able to receive advice and assistance in finding partners, as well as loans, with the repayment of the interest rates. The project will be implemented under the auspices of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. About 95 million UAH will be allocated for the project.

thumb-newsSpisok-564x376-8126In his turn, Victor Kovalenko briefed the EU delegation with the socio-economic situation in the Kharkiv region. He noted that today Kharkiv small and medium businesses enterprises are actively working to enter the European market. The largest machine-building enterprises have more difficulties in the process, as 80% of them were focused on the CIS market.

“But the work is conducted constantly. Serving this purpose, the office of the Kharkiv region was opened in Washington. It helps to search markets and seek to attract grants for their development. In addition, we actively participate in the United Nations development programs”, said Victor Kovalenko.

Additionally, the City Council finds the project promising for both European consumers and Kharkiv entrepreneur. The deputy mayor of Kharkiv Tatiana Chechetov-Terashvili emphasized: “This will help us reach a new level and to develop the economy of our city even more”. She assured that the city council will support this initiative.