Home Kharkiv A record number of Kharkiv women joined the army

A record number of Kharkiv women joined the army

Photo from http://news.bigmir.net/

Compared with last year, when only 20 girls joined the army, since the beginning of 2015 more than 100 Kharkiv women realized their desire to serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine as the Kharkiv Regional Media Center of the Defense Ministry reported.

It is worth mentioning that preferences concerning girls’ position have changed too. Previously, they chose strictly female positions: a communications operator or a medical worker, but now the fair sex are able to hold purely male positions, such as a sniper and an anti-aircraft gunner.

As of early November, more than 500 Kharkiv boys and girls became contract soldiers, that just a few people less from the total plan-task of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Another 70 people now are pending personal military file and in several days they will also try shoulder boards on.

Kharkiv rightfully occupies the first place in the Eastern region, because, for example, in Poltava and Sumy there are no more than 10-15 girls per year, who voluntarily serve in the army.