Home Culture Online marriage registration becomes possible in Kharkiv

Online marriage registration becomes possible in Kharkiv

Photo from http://svadbavo.ru/

On November 13th, the Main Territorial Department of Justice in the Kharkiv region introduced the possibility of a marriage registration via the Internet. It is stated on the Departments Facebook page.

Couples willing to be joined, need to make an appointment in the department of the state registration of civil status acts and apply for a registration of a marriage or divorce. Now it is available on the website. It is also necessary to make an e-signature in the State Fiscal Service, as the Deputy Head of territorial department of the state registration, Natalia Kogut, reported.

The applicants will also be asked add a scanned ID to the request, documents confirming the termination of the previous marriage (if it isn’t the first marriage), and a receipt for payment of the state duty.

“No later than the next business day an employee will check the documents,” – said Kohut. When all the necessary documents are received, an agent sets a wedding date. At the same moment, the information about the marriage date and time are registered in the Department list.

According to The Kharkiv Times poll in social networks, 71.1% of respondents voted for this innovation, which saves time and nerves. 21.7% of people believe that it is an extremely responsible moment in life, that’s why they didn’t support online marriage registration, and 6.5% refrained from responding.

It’s silly. Online services, it is a good idea, but not for such important things. This is a very exciting life moment for every person, so I think that the Internet is not relevant here. For example, to check the application in the database via the Internet would be more appropriate thing, but not to register online,Katya Belka expressed her thoughts.