Home Business The first Ukrainian laboratory of game development was opened in Kharkiv

The first Ukrainian laboratory of game development was opened in Kharkiv

Photo from nure.ua

November 3rd, grand opening of Ukraine’s first laboratory of developing of computer games “NURE GameDevLab” was held in the auditorium of the Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics.

Laboratory works at the Department of Software Engineering Faculty of Computer Science, with the support of partners of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

img_5115_In the lab, students and pupils can learn and develop artificial intelligence in games, to create a mini-campaign setting lasting 2-3 weeks and learn the basics of game development at all levels (from creating the plot until the release). The laboratory gaming companies will be able to conduct training courses.

Over 300 people attended the grand opening of the laboratory. Mostly Kharkiv students and schoolchildren visited the ceremony. Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science Professor Andrew Erokhin and all the teaching staff showed their support for the development of Game Technology at the University. Representatives of the Nika Entertainment and Gameloft, companies that specialize in the gaming area software development, were the honored guests of the lab opening.

The event also included GameDev Quest, which was attended by more than 50 students. Quest was accompanied by cosplay group, characters from which attracted the attention not only of students but also of educators.

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