Home Business Kharkiv theater is waiting for the ambassador of Japan

Kharkiv theater is waiting for the ambassador of Japan


Today on October 5 the scandalous equipment of stage light control which the Government of Japan provided a grant for will be presented at the N.V.Lysenko Kharkiv National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet (KNATOB), informs the press service of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration (KRSA).

After many scandals concerning light equipment it was finally installed and will be presented to the Japanese guests.

The event will be attended by Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Japan in Ukraine Sumi Shigeki, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture of Ukraine Vyacheslav Kirilenko and Deputy Chairman of KRSA Julia Svetlichnaya.

The presentation of the new equipment of stage light control will take place during modern ballet “Wheel of Fortune” (“Carmina Burana”). After the presentation will be a briefing with the participation of Sumi Shigeki, Vyacheslav Kirilenko and Julia Svetlichnaya.

Recall that in 2009 Japan has granted to KNATOB technical lighting equipment in the total amount of about 3 million hryvnias. However, they managed to hold the tender for the installation only in 2015. The Japanese did not like such delay so much that the installation of this equipment has become one of the reasons for the allocation to Ukraine the loan of $ 1,5 billion.

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