Home Education Contracts for Kharkiv retired teachers

Contracts for Kharkiv retired teachers

The teachers who have reached retirement age but continue to work will conclude contract for a period of one year.

“They can extend a contract only if there are odd hours, available rate of teacher or need for additional teachers,” said the Deputy Minister of Education and Science Inna Sovsun.

According to the government, it should help in attracting young specialists to schools. However, Ombudsman Valeria Lutkovska believes that such a “reform” violates the Constitution, labor legislation and international obligations of Ukraine. In particular, the Law “About the basic principles of social protection of labor veterans and other elderly citizens in Ukraine” which prohibits the dismissal of an employee based on reaching retirement age. She is sure that professional impropriety can be the only ground not to renew the contract with the teacher.

It is worth noting that every sixth teacher is a pensioner in the country. According to the Department of Education and Science of Kharkiv Regional State Administration, only about 10% of the teaching staff have reached retirement age in Kharkiv schools.

The experts say that there is no problem with young specialists in the schools. Every year about 400-500 graduates of specialized universities come to work at school.

“Firstly, graduating from the Institutes students are directed to schools where they have to work out three years. Secondly, some of the students have a so called rural privilege when they return to their native village and work in school there,” said the director of profile department Anatoly Babich.