Home Education Redistributed subventions for educational and medical spheres of Kharkiv region

Redistributed subventions for educational and medical spheres of Kharkiv region


On October 13th, the Deputy Finance Minister of Ukraine Roman Kachur reported that the educational and medical spheres of the Kharkiv region will receive redistributed subventions. During the teleconference, the Deputy Chairman of regional state administration Vadim Glushko and heads of relevant structural agencies of Kharkiv Regional State Administration discussed the situation of the salary payment to public sector workers.

“The total amount of redistribution of medical and educational subventions is about 7 billion hryvnias. Moreover, 100 million hryvnias were allocated to distribute between the regions in order to strengthen the material base of schools (computer labs, classrooms of biology, physics, and chemistry),” said Vadim Glushko.

In turn, the Deputy Head of the regional administration reported about the delicate situation in Kharkiv due to the large number of IDPs from Lugansk and Donetsk regions.

“The Kharkiv region has not yet received the promised 112.5 million UAH of subvention for health care of 105,000 IDPs, though in fact their number has increased to 190 thousand. We have continually been addressed to resolve this issue,” said Deputy Finance Minister of Ukraine.

Vadim Glushko also noticed that, according to the law of Ukraine “About State Budget of Ukraine for 2015” departmental medical institutions are transferred under financing of the local budgets of the appropriate territories. However, additional resources for the maintenance of departmental medicine have not been received.

Representatives of the Ministry of Finance reported that currently the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is working on a draft regulation on financing of departmental medical institutions, which is now on the approval line in the ministries.