Home Culture “March of heroes” was held without provocations

“March of heroes” was held without provocations

On October 14th, a “March of heroes” in honor of the Day of the Defender of Ukraine took place in the center of Kharkiv on the initiative of the Civic Corps “Azov”. Participants marched from Constitution square, along the Sumskaya Street to Freedom square.

Among the marchers were activists of the “Pravyi Sektor” (Right Sector), “Gromadska Warta”, “Shidnyi Korpus” (East Corps), the soldiers of the regiment “Azov” and other volunteer divisions, as well as soldiers of regular army units. Approximately 3,000 people attended the event.

Activists sang the anthem of Ukraine, the song “Voiny sveta” (Warriors of Light), and the traditional song about Putin. In addition they shouted patriotic slogans. Near the monument of Shevchenko they laid the trident of burning candles, and on the Freedom square – the symbol “The idea of the nation” (it is depicted on the emblem of “Azov”).

YHE7yOIC0eQThe conflict was between the organizers of the event and some activists from “Gromadska Warta” near the monument of Lenin. A member of the public organization “Gromadska Warta” Valentin Bystrichenko was against the action. Some activists protested against the events, which happened during the Day of Protection of the Mother of God (recall that her image on a pedestal was draped with the red-and-black flag with a picture of trident). The clashes involved up to 30 people, no one was hurt.

MP, commander of “Azov” Andrei Biletsky, congratulated everyone with a holiday. He expressed confidence that in the future this day will become a symbol of true victory over the enemies of Ukraine. The action participants prayed for Ukrainian soldiers. A small fire show was arranged in honor of the holiday, after that the event was over.

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