Home Education “Kharkiv StartUp Factory” kick off

“Kharkiv StartUp Factory” kick off

On September 29th “Kharkiv StartUp Factory” has started – informed the website of Kharkiv Regional State Administration. The project is oriented to support the creative ideas of talented young people.

The event is organized by the Department for improvement of regional competitiveness of Kharkiv Regional State Administration, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, the project Karazinstartups and Kharkiv regional union “Youth Initiative”. The first component of the project will last until March 2016.

светличная08“Kharkiv Regional State Administration continues to work with students. We have developed a number of activities designed to interest young people, give them a chance to improve their skills and to try themselves in small and medium-sized businesses. One of such events is “Kharkiv StartUp Factory”. Within the framework of this project, students can approve themselves in the IT-sphere, gain knowledge from leading local entrepreneurs and foreign experts, listen to the lectures, and then participate with their projects in the competition. The best projects will be presented to venture capital funds. The winners will be determined by the experts and professors, as well as by the representatives of enterprises and international corporations, ” said the deputy chairman of Regional State Administration Yulia Svetlichnaya.

20 teams of young professionals will take part in this project. Experts will evaluate the efficiency of the proposed ideas. When the composition of all 20 teams will be approved, the participants will be offered trainings, master classes and meetings with accomplished businessmen from Ukraine and the United States as well.

“Kharkiv StartUp Factory” is a noncommercial social project. It’s goal is to increase the expertise of students and teachers in the field of information and communication technologies.