Last week, the official start of the volunteer project “IT-recruit” was held on the basis of IT-workspace and the creative space of the Student Senate, IT Hub NURE. These free training courses were on “Software Testing” for demobilized soldiers from the ATO zone. The site of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (KNURE) informed about it.
The project is held with the support of the KNURE Student Senate, the Kharkiv Regional Union of Veterans of the ATO, the Kharkiv regional youth organization “Youth Initiatives”, IT-companies – Factorial Complexity and X1 Group. The project coordinator from the regional state administration is the Department on enhancement of the region’s competitiveness. Another partner in the project is Kharkiv Regional State Administration.
“This project is a social initiative. It aims to provide real assistance to our soldiers returning from the zone of the ATO, by teaching them professions that are currently in demand in the labor market,” said the Deputy Chairman of Regional State Administration, Yuliya Svetlichnaya.
The first session was devoted to the introduction of the profession. The trainees were tested for knowledge of the English language, because, in the future, specialists plan to hold lessons on technical English. A total of 30 persons were selected for the training, during which one is to be trained for 2.5 months, three times a week.

“We will also involve specialists of IT-companies which, as volunteers, will come to us and teach our graduates the skills they will need in actual work,” explained the project coordinator, Evgen Sakalo.
After graduation, they will receive a certificate and the opportunity to be interviewed and go through internship in the IT-companies in Kharkiv.