Ukrainian Exchange Freelancehunt analyzed the activity of freelancers and customers in the internal market. The Kharkiv region won second place, after the capital.
There are 72,722 freelancers registered on Freelancehunt and 30,188 customers are from Ukraine. This is 80% of the total audience, the 20% left for other countries. This information was reported by AIN.UA
Unexpectedly, the largest number of freelancers was in the Kiev region (36%). Further rating was divided in the following way:
- Kharkiv region – 9.7%
- Dnipropetrovsk region – 8.5%
- Odessa region – 5.7%
- Donetsk region – 5.3%
- Lviv region – 4.8%
- Zaporizhzhya region – 4%
The rest of the 18 regions got less than 4%.

Half of the Ukrainian customers are also from the capital (50.3%). However, a considerable part is from the regions, the most in:
- Kharkiv – 10.2%
- Dnipropetrovsk – 10.1%
- Odesa – 8.9%
- Lviv – 3.4%
- Zaporizhzhya – 3.2%
In other regions – less than 2%.

Interestingly, the average age of a freelancer in the country is 26 years. Most seniors live in the Luhansk region – the average age is 30 years. And the youngest – in Ternopil – 25 years.

Within the past six months, Freelancehunt analyzed the list of orders. They identified the most popular specialty in the internal market. As a result, the demand for freelancers was formed as follows:
- Web-programming – 36%
- Working with text – 19.8%
- Design – 19.5%
- The promotion and advertising – 9.1%
- Business Consultancy – 2.3%
- Transfers – 2.1%
- Mobile Applications – 1.5%
- Work with audio and video – 1.4%
- Work with photos – 1.2%
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