Home Kharkiv Illegal Shengen visa business exposed in Kharkiv

Illegal Shengen visa business exposed in Kharkiv

The Ukrainian Security Service (USS) in Kharkiv have detained three persons on suspicion of forging documents for visas to enter the European Union.

According to the press service of the USS, the three detainees, all citizens of Ukraine, conducted the illegal trade from a private property of one of the group members. A search of the house produced proof of criminal activity: thousands of forged invitations, stamps of non-existing foreign business entities, extracts from bank accounts and statements from employers. The papers were intended for Shengen visa applications in a General Consulate in Kharkiv. Additionally, more than 1.500 bullets of 7.62 caliber, a Kalashnikov submachine gun and a Makarov pistol were confiscated at the hideout.

While inquest continues, the forgers will spend time in custody, where they can ponder a sentence of two to five years in prison for illegal trafficking of persons across the state border of Ukraine.

We encourage you to always exercise caution when asking for intermediary services in applying for visas, and to place your documents only into the hands of certified and reputable travel agencies.

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