Well-known American businessman and one of Ukraine’s biggest investors Michael Bleyzer gave a lecture at the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.
Michael Bleyzer told the audience about his life from ordinary engineer to the leader of large corporations and the founder of investment funds.
“Many people come to the United States and Europe, and immediately look for a place to study, wishing to get a foreign diploma. I have received the diploma of engineer, got a job. All I know now and all I am able to is based on KNURE Education.”
Bleyzer and students for a long time discussed the educational system of Ukraine.
“Many American students would learn from our teachers, if they had the chance. Therefore it is necessary to develop a student exchange program. I’m sure they would be in great demand among the students of American universities,” says Michael.
BACKGROUND. Michael Bleyzer – a native Kharkiven, graduated from KNURE and received a specialty – “Digital electronics and quantum physics”. After graduation, he emigrated to the United States. He worked at ExxonMobil Corporation and Ernst&Young. Now he is the owner of SigmaBleyzer.
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