Home Education Austrian professor presents free internship to KPI student

Austrian professor presents free internship to KPI student


A delegation of the University of Klagenfurt (Austria), represented by professors Dieter Schneider and Tilmann Reuther, visited the National Technical University Kharkiv Politechnic Institute (KPI), reports the press service of the university (RU).

image (1)According to the university, an honorary doctor of KPI Schneider suggested to finance a semester of internship of one of the distinguished students of the Kharkiv University in University of Klagenfurt by his personal funds.

“This is my gift to Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute,” he said, noting that every time he comes to KPI, he appreciates human contacts that have been established here for many years.

imageAt the meeting, plans were announced to create joint textbooks on lexicology and lexicography of Russian language for German-speaking students and creating of Ukrainian-German dictionary of lexical parallels.

Due to collaboration with the University of Klagenfurt, graduate students and members of the department of integrated technologies of mechanical engineering and economic faculty of KPI may intern annually in Austria.

image (2)In addition, Schneider created a fundamental textbook for the Ukrainian students – “Introduction to marketing techniques and high-tech capital goods”, which has no analogue in Ukraine.

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