Home Education IT places to increase at Ukrainian universities

IT places to increase at Ukrainian universities


Ukrainian universities will increase the number of places for IT specialists this coming academic year.

At the same time, places for economic and legal specialities will drop, said Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Lilia Grinevich, AIN informs (RU).

“The state order will sharply increase in the field of IT. We offer more than 1,000 additional places for IT,” said Grinevich.

149241At that, if applicants with high scores EIT (External Independent Testing) select a concrete institution, then in this institution will increase the number of budget places, but not more than by 20% of the pre-defined threshold. This can help to ensure that in the best universities of Ukraine will teach more IT specialists for free.

According to Grinevich, for 2016 the state has allocated more than 16 billion UAH – by 6.16% more than 2015.

BACKGROUND: in 2013 in Ukraine reduced the state order for humanitarian students and increased for IT specialists. Demand for IT continues to grow. In August, the competition for places in Ukrainian universities reached 29 people per place.

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