Home Business MPs abolish state registration of foreign investments

MPs abolish state registration of foreign investments


On May 31 members of parliament voted for the abolition of mandatory state registration of foreign investments, reports AIN (RU).

The authors of the bill emphasize the state registration of the investment rules are outdated, and an obligation of such registration creates unnecessary obstacles for business.

Because the fact of foreign investment in the company is fixed in statutory documents and enlisted into the Unified state register of legal entities and individuals.

registratsiya-inostrannyih-investitsiyData on investment, its size and structure of the investors is in the public domain. Investment registration procedure does not make information sense, because this can be obtained from the registry by any user.

Lawyers believe this bill is beneficial to increase investment attractiveness of the Ukrainian companies. It can also simplify the creation in Ukraine of the new R&D-centers.

“This bill is more about how to resolve the old and stupid barriers for investments than about a revolution in the industry. For example, before the importation of any equipment should be registered as foreign investment, and filling out a load of unnecessary papers,” said Artem Afyan, managing partner of “Yuskutum”.

At the same time, according to the lawyer, it is not enough just this bill to the companies, in particular the IT-companies have begun to incorporate in Ukraine, it is necessary a large-scale renovation of corporate law.

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