Home Kharkiv Bikers launch protest at ban

Bikers launch protest at ban

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Bikers staged a protest near the building of the Kharkiv City Council.

The protesters were angered by the decision of the City Council on May 17, according to which the city banned the movement of motorcycles in a number of central streets.

20160524_131705More than 50 people on motorcycle protested. Later they plan to pass a class action lawsuit in the District Administrative Court to cancel the decision of the city council.

1qwAvKNpi-4“This decision was motivated by the supposed appeals of Kharkivens, who complained about the noise of the engines, however, we consider this decision illegal I reviewed the documents and found no legal justification for this decision,” said protestor Roman Likhachev.

BACKGROUND: On May 17, Kharkiv city council decided №237/16 “On the partial restriction of movement of motorcycles in the city of Kharkiv.” . According to paragraph 1 of this decision was partially restricted movement of motorcycles on the main thoroughfares of the city streets – Pushkinska, Sumska, Klochkovska, Heroes of Labour and Liberty Square and others.

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