Home Culture Exhibition of decorative rodents and snails

Exhibition of decorative rodents and snails

At the weekend (May 14-15), an exhibition of decorative animals as part of the Ukrainian Championship Show will be held in the Exhibition Center Buzok (in the Kharkiv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre), according to event organizers.

The goal of the exhibition is to show the guests purebred guinea pigs, rabbits, rats, gerbils, chinchillas, degus, hamsters and snails.

jcy8Nv__fK4Guests from Ukraine and abroad will take part in the exhibition, demonstrating their pets. The exhibition will hold contests and competitions like children’s drawings of costumes for pigs and rats.

Everyone will be able to buy a pet and receive animal care advice.

Screen Shot 2016-05-12 at 2.53.43 PMWhere: Exhibition Center “Buzok” (Sums’ka Street, 25).
When: 14 and 15 May.
Time: Saturday 10:00-19:00, Sunday 10:00-16:30.
Price: Free admission.