Home Business Real estate developers implement trade-in program to activate sales

Real estate developers implement trade-in program to activate sales


The real estate developers introduce the program trade-in, helping the potential buyers to realize old housing and purchase apartments in new buildings, Stroyobzor informs.

trade-insThe essence of the program is that the developer via a trusted broker or agency contributes to the realization of old apartment of potential buyers, while booking an apartment in a new building for this buyer for definite time.

“On the one hand, the buyer gets the opportunity to fix the price of an apartment he has chosen. On the other hand, the developer is interested in the fact that this housing has been sold on the secondary market and therefore will strongly encourage broker to do this,” said the commercial director of “Intergal-Bud”, Julia Goroh.

новостройки01At the same time, the expert predicts that the number of such offers in the market will increase and eventually volume of sales in chain (secondary – primary market) may reach 15-20% of the market volume.

“Most of the buyers are still willing to buy housing for 100% of the cost, and come with full amount. However, with the rapid aging of the housing stock on the secondary market those wishing to get rid of the apartments in the Khrushchev-era apartments, Stalin-era buildings and panel houses will be more and more. It will be possible to speak even about new trend – the reason for the purchase of new housing is not just a desire to gain or expand living space, invest, and replace the old housing in the new fund,” the expert added.

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