Home Education Kharkiv children to become police cadets

Kharkiv children to become police cadets

Photo from www.vkostume.ru

Children and young people who are interested in police work and want to be useful for the society, can enroll in the cadets and help senior police, reports the official website of the All-Ukrainian fraternity “Elite of the Nation” (UA).

The main goals of the program are:

  • Get knowledge about the current state and law, civil society and the rights of the individual;
  • Form the skills of lawful behavior, positive motivations and active participation in public life;
  • Raise patriotism, belief in the need for compliance, negative attitudes towards illegal actions.

Children of 9-18 years can become project participants.

Future assistants of cops must have written consent from a parent or guardian and a certificate of good health.

Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 4.16.01 PMTraining will be held at the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Cadets will need to learn the basics of the theory of law enforcement, perform practical exercises, physical exercises and directly acquainted with the work of the patrol police.

The project is organized by the public organization All-Ukrainian fraternity “Elite of the Nation” together with the KRSA and the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

Application form for participation in the project can be filled in here.

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