Home Education Special agents ready to cyber police Kharkiv

Special agents ready to cyber police Kharkiv


Future employees of agencies learn to confront cyber threats, fight against software piracy and solve crimes in the IT-sphere.

All the students have passed the rigorous competitive selection and tests for reliability.

Competitive selection was held in five phases. Each candidate was checked the level of technical English language and information technology knowledge, psychological adequacy and medical suitability for service. Then – a personal interview. And finally – the Israeli test for reliability MIDOT.

“It has been sent about 10,000 applications from all over Ukraine. It was selected 21 special agents and 66 inspectors of future cyber police,” said the Head of faculty for training specialists for cyber police of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (KNUIA) Vyacheslav Markov.

photo_bigAccording to the results of the competition seven groups were formed.

Rector of the University Valeriy Sokurenko told: “To start a full and good training of cyber policemen helped the Government of Canada and the OSCE. Unique courses on digital forensics and computer security were developed.

The education of inspectors and special agents designed for 400 hours. It’s planned that cyber policemen will start to operate in July this year.

Reference. Cyber police in Ukraine appeared in the framework of the reform in the law enforcement system. The new structure was in need of personnel with special training. On October 15 last year was declared an open competition. Five months later, the winners have started training. As a base was chosen KNUIA where twelve years ago for the first time in the country appeared the faculty on preparing IT professionals for the Ministry of Interior.

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