Home Culture Rally of Kharkiv activists led to the closure of the Russian Consulate

Rally of Kharkiv activists led to the closure of the Russian Consulate


After the rally in support of Nadia Savchenko, which Kharkivens held at the Consulate General of the Russian Federation, the website of the office announced that it will be closed on March 22-23, as MyKharkov reported.

“For technical reasons, on March 22 and 23 Consulate General will not carry out the reception of citizens,” said in the message.

Recall that on March 21 the court in Donetsk (the Rostov region) began reading the verdict of Nadia Savchenko – read the position of the prosecution and victim testimony. The verdict will continue to announce today, on March 22. In this connection in Ukraine as well as in some other countries of the world was held #FreeSavchenko action, which joined Kharkiv activists.

Feel free to check our recent posts on topics In Kharkiv picketed the Russian consulate and FreeSavchenko protest held under the Russian consulate.