Home Business Kharkivens will study how to increase the effectiveness of their business

Kharkivens will study how to increase the effectiveness of their business

Photo from serto.ru

March 22, a free seminar “Formula companies: technology of effective management” will be held in Kharkiv. According to organizers of the event – Laboratory of internet marketing TessLab.

The seminar will be useful for:

  • CEO, directors and owners
  • Heads of departments
  • HR-managers

Guests of the seminar will see more than 10 presentations and workshops.

Leading experts of the companies such as 1C-Bitrix, BogushTime, kniga.biz.ua, Kharkiv Club of Entrepreneurs, Boomerang Branding Agency and other organizations will participate in the seminar.

Organizors promise that you will save at least 10.000 UAH for promotion of your business on the Internet, spending 8 hours on this free seminar.

At the seminar you will learn how to improve:

  • Management effectiveness
  • the speed of the sales department via CRM and IP-telephony
  • level of service and more.

Participation is free, but requires registration here.

More information and the program you can find here.

Guests will have an opportunity to participate in raffle and prizes from the organizers’ companies: flash drives, portable chargers, blankets.

Where: large conference room of the SunCity, (Moskovsky Prospekt 199-b)
When: March 22
Time: 10:00-18:00