Home Kharkiv Pedestrians paid 11 thousand UAH for traffic violations

Pedestrians paid 11 thousand UAH for traffic violations

Photo from news.ngs.ru

During the first two months of 2016 the Kharkiv police has fined 209 people for crossing the road in the wrong place, reported the press service of the patrol police.

Violators have paid almost 11 thousand UAH. Mostly traffic rules are violated near a way out of the subway, bus stop or an uncontrolled intersection.

Screen Shot 2016-03-12 at 3.57.24 PMKharkiv police is actively fighting with pedestrians-violators. “In most cases we conduct preventive conversations with the offender at the scene. However, it may happen that you talk to one, the other five run across the road. Many people neglect the security. As a rule, standard response: “You fight the wrong problem!” “I do not care”, “I pass here faster,” – explains the patrol inspector, Vitalik Dondik.

Usually the police just give warnings. However, those who start arguing, face a written warning or a fine – 51 UAH.

The police hopes that with time they will bring up responsibility to pedestrians. Drivers welcome the first steps of the patrol officers, but mention: the most difficult is to deal with those on foot on unregulated intersections.