Home Culture Kharkivens picketed the Ministry of Education

Kharkivens picketed the Ministry of Education


Kharkiv activists have today (Mar 11) protested in front of the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) of Ukraine in Kyiv.

As announced one of the organizers of the protest, the head of the public organization “All-Ukrainian Anti-Corruption Chamber” Andrey Ilgov, they called for a meeting with the Minister of Education Sergey Kvit about the situation in Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (KNURE).

According to Ilgov, about 35 people participated in the protest – representatives of public organizations “Rights of the people”, “Lustration Chamber”, as well as the KNURE Student Senate.

12801096_10208941603962904_348599783548079256_n“Professors of KNURE addressed the problem to us. They said acting rector Eduard Rubin dismisses specialists and displaces teachers. We sent numerous requests to the Ministry but there was no response,” said Ilgov.

The picketers’ requirements were in a 25-page document pages that they wanted to give personally to the Minister. Kharkivens took posters and tires with them.

As a result, the leadership of departments of MES met with Kharkiv activists.

According to the protesters, a meeting with the Minister Sergey Kvit didn’t take place as he was not in office today.

Feel free to check our recent posts on topics Clamorous scandal at the Kharkiv University of Radio Electronics and Appeal of Kharkiv deputies to Arseniy Yatsenyuk.