Home Culture Kharkiv commemorated Shevchenko

Kharkiv commemorated Shevchenko

Photos from city.kharkov.ua and x1.com.ua

March 9 events dedicated to the 202nd anniversary of the birth of Ukrainian poet and artist Taras Shevchenko took place in Kharkiv.

In the morning Kharkivens laid flowers at the monument dedicated to Shevchenko. Representatives of city and regional councils, regional state administration, diplomatic institutions, clergy, students and the public also participated. According to the press service of the City Council.

7ed215e5d40a89d91e21edd6b96fea18In the evening, soldiers of the battalion “Kharkiv-1” brought an armored troop-carrier to the monument. An actor of the Shevchenko theatre recited the most famous poems of the poet directly from the APC.

sh1In total, about 200 people came to the rally. People were photographed against the backdrop of an armored car (APC), where Ukrainian ornaments and a portrait of Shevchenko were applied. Soldiers, held banners “Spіlka veteranіv ATO.”

sh3According to activists, Shevchenko was and remains a symbol of the struggle for an independent Ukraine.

Feel free to check our recent posts on topics: FreeSavchenko protest held under the Russian consulate and International Festival “Week of Francophonie” coming to Kharkiv.

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