Home Culture Kharkiv women hold march against violence

Kharkiv women hold march against violence


On International Women’s Day in Kharkiv at 12:00 am began a march of women’s solidarity against violence in the framework of the “Week of Women’s Solidarity” – an annual project of the Kharkiv Association “Sphere”.

The activists want to draw attention to the problem of violence against women.

“Due to the street action we want to make the problem of violence against women more visible. Unfortunately, today in our society such things are ignored – talk about them publicly is unacceptable. Fearing condemnation women don’t “wash their dirty linen in public,” said organizers.

They believe that the most important tools to counter violence against women are revelation of the facts and female solidarity.

KBhDpYz3SrEThe purpose of the project is to tell about the existing problems of gender inequality in Ukraine, to present the residents of the city various practices of realization of justice and equity, as well as contribute to the movement for women’s rights and freedoms.

On March 10, organizes invite everyone to an open discussion on “Informational background and everyday life of the modern woman”, on March 11 – presentation of the gender library.