National Technical University “KPI” (“Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”) is planning to initiate the creation of an energy cluster in Ukraine, according to its press service.

Kharkiv University took part in the First Assembly of energy universities in Europe which was held at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Trondheim, Norway) in February.
The purpose of the event is the creation of a European energy cluster and the strengthening of cooperation between universities of Europe for the preparation of bachelors, masters and PhD students in the field of energy.
Modern trends in improving the educational process is based on scientific researches and takes into account the needs of the business.
“European energy cluster is designed to prepare top specialists for a new energy market where the decisive role will play the development of energy-saving technologies and renewable sources of energy. With the support of the European community whose representatives participated in the energy assembly, KPI aims to create an Ukrainian energy cluster with the participation of European and Ukrainian universities, research institutes and industry representatives,” said KPI rector Eugene Sokol.
The result of the participation of KPI in the First Assembly of energy in Europe was the prior consent of the six European universities on joint submission of projects on student mobility.