Home Corruption Primrose dealers to face fines in crackdown

Primrose dealers to face fines in crackdown

Photo from zelenyilihtaryk.blogspot.com (Leucojum vernum, called spring snowflake)

Ukraine’s natural habitats are to be better protected with primrose dealers facing fines if caught selling the rare plants.

Employees of the State Environmental Inspectorate (only in Ukrainian) will check places of collection, transportation and marketing of primroses, reports the press service of the General Directorate of the National Police in Kharkiv.

The action is aimed at protecting rare plant species that are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine and other conservation lists.

Kharkiv police warn those caught buying or selling the rare plants will face fines between 1700 UAH and 3655 UAH.

The national police, forest guards, representatives of central executive authorities, the media and the public are being urged to back the action.

The State Environmental Inspectorate calls on citizens to refuse collecting and purchasing plants that are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, adding: “This will save the country’s natural heritage for future generations. Let’s protect the environment together!”

Check our other articles: Lights out over Kharkiv for Earth Hour and Kharkiv will join the All-Ukrainian action “For a clean environment”.