Home Kharkiv Heating could be turned off prematurely

Heating could be turned off prematurely

Photo from www.koprugroup.com.tr

Kharkiv Heating Networks intends to turn off heating in locals’ houses earlier if the average air temperature for three days exceeds +8°C, the company has reported.

“Of course, we will not heat up until 15 April if the weather is warm – it costs extra money both for us and consumers,” its press service said.

“If the average temperature is +8°C, the mayor will order a stop on heating. In case of cold weather we will supply heat as necessary.

“In the past two years in February and early March it was warm, but at the end of March frosts hit and half of April was cold.”

Heating Networks refuted rumors the end of the heating season is due to the fact the country has not enough resources.

“We are working in normal mode: the residents have both the heat and hot water in their apartments. We are not experiencing a resources deficit,” the company said.

Feel free to read the news: The World Bank will help to modernize Kharkiv heating networks

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