Home Culture Kharkiv police was transferred into robust security regime

Kharkiv police was transferred into robust security regime


Since February 18 the city’s central streets are patrolling in heavy security mode. About this announced the head of the department of preventive action of the Main Department of the National Police in the Kharkiv region Sergey Birbasov during a press conference.

Robust security regime connected with several public events which will be held in Kharkiv. On February 20 near the monument to Taras Shevchenko will be a meeting in memory of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred. On February 22 near the Palace of Sports will be held a meeting and opening of the memorial sign in honor of those killed during the terrorist attack on February 22, 2015. It is expected that about a thousand people will participate in the event.

Today on the streets of the central part of the city are already derived additional 50 patrols reinforced by the soldiers of the National Guard and special forces of the police to maintain public order.

It is planned that the protection of public order during large-scale events will provide more than 500 police officers, about 1,200 workers will serve in public places, also will be involved students of departmental universities.


According to Sergey Birbasov, to ensure public safety and order during large-scale events National Police conducted a thorough preparatory work.

In particular, for each place of the large-scale events developed rigorous plans to ensure public order, the territory of the events will be tested by bomb squad of the Main Department. Also during the events will be created enhanced investigative teams, groups of documentation.