Home Kharkiv Unit of cardiac magic and emergency wizardry appeared in local hospital

Unit of cardiac magic and emergency wizardry appeared in local hospital

Photo from horoshienovosti.com.ua

At the department of cardiac surgery and emergency cardiology of Institute of General and Emergency Surgery of Ukraine children are treated by fairy-tale characters: princess, pirates, panda and beauty from oriental tales.

The idea appeared when the department decided to decorate the walls with doctors’ portraits. “We should turn them fantastic heroes. As when saving children’s life doctors cause them pain so we should make children to perceive doctors as fabula. For children to be able to smile even in the most difficult situation,” said the director of cardiology and cardiac surgery development fund Kira Jafarova.

Now, coming to the unit, even the harshest skeptics and grumblers are smiling. And, of course, now it became a place for a selfie. This unit received the other name: the unit of cardiac magic and emergency wizardry.

“Children responded very happily. Now they tell us: “Princess Fiona and Hatter made me an operation!”. I remember with horror the hospital I has been when I was a child: patients spoke only in a whisper, all the staff wore starched caps standing up to the ceiling. Now, we try to escape this, we started desovietization of the unit,” said Kira.

In extraordinary situations, the parents could be at a loss. Therefore, the doctors will make a color memo in the form of comics with their recommendations on behalf of fairy tale characters.