Home Kharkiv Separate collection of solid domestic waste has become more popular in Kharkiv

Separate collection of solid domestic waste has become more popular in Kharkiv

Photo from ecobnb.com

Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of Kharkiv Regional State Administration reported that in 2015 the number of towns, running the system of separate waste collection, has increased by half. The press office of KRSA reported about it recently.

“In 2015, we can see considerably improvements in implementation of separate collection of solid domestic waste in the settlements of the Kharkiv region. In 2014 there were five such settlements in the region, while in the past year there were already 12,” said director of the department Andrey Timchuk.

As a result, at the end of 2015 Kharkiv region took the 10th place among the regions of Ukraine, introducing separate collection of solid waste (in 2014 – 20th place).

“Today we are working with the regional state administrations to convince them of the need to introduce separate collection of solid waste. I think that in 2016 the number of settlements, which will operate the system, will increase significantly,” added Andrew Timchuk.

According to him, the introduction of separate waste collection is one of the options for effective solutions in the field of waste management. This will reduce the burden on landfills, minimize human pressure on natural resources and improve the ecological situation in the region.