Home Kharkiv More than 9,000 ATO fighters were set on the legs in the...

More than 9,000 ATO fighters were set on the legs in the Kharkiv military hospital

Photo from dozor.kharkov.ua

During the last year, the doctors of Kharkiv Military Medical Clinical Center of the Northern Region assisted about 9,000 fighters who were injured and wounded in the area of ​​anti-terrorist operation, as the press service of Ukrainian Defense Ministry reported.

In total during the hostilities in the ATO about 15,000 wounded, injured and sick soldiers underwent treatment and rehabilitation in the walls of the hospital.

In addition, the hospital doctors continue to provide medical care to military personnel who are serving in the area which is under ​​responsibility of the Military Medical Clinical Center. Since the beginning of 2015 they have treated more than 6,500 military men fighting in the ATO area.