Home Culture In Kharkiv will be held scientific lectures

In Kharkiv will be held scientific lectures


Science journalist and popularizer of science, the author of the book “Who ever would have thought it! How the brain makes us do stupid things” Asya Kazantseva will visit Kharkiv at the end of the week.

On January 14 science journalist will take part in the project “15×4” in the lecture hall of coworking space “Fabrika”. During the event the young scientists will consider various issues of science and technology. Beginning – at 19:00.


On Friday January 15, Asya Kazantseva will give lecture on topic “Organic vs GMO” in the framework of the project “Intellect Networking” and will tell if there any possible points of contact between the progressists and lovers of nature. The lecture will be held in the main building of the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Beginning – at 18:30.

The events will be held with the support of the Department of Family, Youth and Sports and Committee of the Kharkiv Youth City Council on Education and Science.

Admission to all events is free.

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