Home Kharkiv The first EcoTaxi operates in Kharkiv

The first EcoTaxi operates in Kharkiv

Photo from ecocars.057.ua

A service EcoTaxi, which uses, as you probably already guessed, electric cars, began its work in Kharkiv region.

A supplier of electric vehicles for the service is a company AvtoEnterprize. As for the model – the EcoTaxi board chose a well-known electric car Nissan Leaf. Cars of the EcoTaxi service are provided by the appropriate stickers on the sides, and are presented as “the first eco-friendly taxi.”

Despite the fact that the EcoTaxi tariffs is not lower in comparison with other services, this service is popular among Kharkivens. Given the fact that now the taxi park is small and sometimes you have to wait for the car. However, one who awaited the car, would benefit: Wi-Fi, multimedia displays in the headrests of the front seats, so passengers do not get bored during the trip, taximeters and cash registers. Non-cash payment with cards of any bank is also accepted.