Home Business City Council is preparing to work with the system of electronic procurement

City Council is preparing to work with the system of electronic procurement


Training seminar on work in the system “ProZorro” took place on December 18 in which participated the director of an electronic platform “E-tender” Ivan Melnikov and officials of the Kharkiv City Council.

During the seminar were examined the intricacies of the new e-procurement system which will be applied to transactions for the acquisition of goods priced at up to 200 thousand UAH and services – up to 1.5 million UAH.

According to the organizers of the project, the system is simple and accessible for all users. To become a participant of the auction, it is necessary to register, to indicate the desired item and its maximum price on the one of the six online mediums.

All the information will be collected in a central database. The sellers on the corresponding advertisement offered their goods at a cost of no more than indicated price by participants. The buyer chooses the most advantageous variant. The agreement is supported by the contract.

Kharkiv will join the electronic procurement system in a few weeks. The system will ensure transparency of all procurements and budget savings.

The officials of the Kharkiv City Council will conduct testing of the pilot project and will also act as analysts of electronic procurement system.

Recall that Kharkiv decided to participate in a pilot project in October 2015. Earlier we have reported that Kharkiv City Council is ready to launch e-procurement system “ProZorro” and Kharkiv region has joined the system of electronic procurements.