Home Culture Sweet tour for Kharkiv children with disabilities

Sweet tour for Kharkiv children with disabilities


On December 3 on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities in the premises of the Regional organizational and methodical center of culture and art was held a festival for children with disabilities.

The organizers promised to hold an excursion of the history exposition of confectionery production for the young visitors. “Sweet Quest” and other exciting gifts were prepared for the children.

“In the course of games and competitions children from the city and region children’s institutions learned how the confectionery was created in Kharkiv, – explained in the Cultural Center. – The production history through the prism of time reveals the possession of the cultural potential of the Kharkiv region in a new light. Among them a place of honor belongs to industrial production of confectionery products – this is a factory of the outstanding pastry chef Georges Bormann (now confectionery “Kharkivchanka”) which has received the title of the Imperial Court Supplier and many international awards. “

Reference. The socio-cultural project “Dolce Vita: Kharkiv stories” is held in the regional organizational and methodical center of culture and art from November 13, 2015 to January 14, 2016. The project was implemented with the help of the Regional organizational and methodical center of culture and art, the corporation “Biscuit-Chocolate”, advertising agency “Iris.”

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